​Je suis Pauline Colombet, graphiste, titulaire du Diplôme Supérieur d'Arts Appliqués (DSAA) mention graphisme de Strasbourg.
Avant cela, j'ai obtenu un BTS design graphique option communication et médias numériques. Je suis passionnée de musique, d'art, de graphisme et de mode.

I am Pauline Colombet, graphic designer, recently graduated from a master's degree specializing in graphic design in Strasbourg.
Before that, I obtained a bachelor's degree in graphic design with digital option. I am passionate about music, art, graphics and fashion.

DSAA (Master Design de services) mention graphisme :
In Situ Lab (Strasbourg, France)
Bachelor de Design Graphique :
Bellecour École (Lyon, France)

Master's degree of services design with graphism speciality :
InsituLab (Strasbourg, France)
Bachelor's degree of graphic design :
Bellecour École (Lyon, France)
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